Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to Wear

What to Wear in New York City!

Always the big debate.  You want to be stylish and comfortable when heading into any city for the day, but at the same time you want to be able to be yourself.  I feel that being in NYC is a license for me to wear whatever I feel like that day...everyone is so individualized in NYC that you can wear anything and fit in. I am headed to the city this week to go to a private event and of course my favorite lunch spot and am finalizing the outfit today since I have the time.

Here is my guide to fashionable comfort for a day in the city (during the Fall):

Whenever I am getting dressed to go somewhere I start with the shoes. Typically, I take the train to New York and walk most of the city with the help of the subway here and there.  This requires flats. As my starting point I know that I have a few pairs of ballet flats that are perfect, however, the lack of arch support is not sustainable for a day in the city. Some of you may go into the city all day and stay for a show or dinner at night, so sneakers are not always a realistic option. Most of my riding boots are a good choice because they have a slight wedge with some arch support AND you get the added benefit of leg warmth, especially in November.  Second, you need the "you" piece.  For many of you that will be a scarf or a hat or some jewelry that you feel comfortable in.  My favorite "you" is to wear a scarf.  I love that no matter what the season, there is a scarf in the appropriate fabric weight.  This week I am choosing my snood (circular scarf), which is big and knitted and warm.  I like this option because it is practical for various temperatures as you can take it on and off, but it is also attractive.  After the decision on a scarf or hat is made I think about the temperature that day.  This requires a decision on a jacket, coat or vest.  Often times I am going in and out of stores and for longer trips I take the subway so I decide that at 40 degrees I probably don't need a full winter coat.  Since I will be wearing the snood, I need a cute jacket that the snood can lay over.  In this case, my snood is flexible so I choose a structured jacket to give my outfit balance.

Photo: jacket: Smythe, boots: Frye, skirt: Club Monaco, snood: Reiss

Let's recap: an easy way to be stylish in the city can be finalized with three simple decisions:
1) shoes (no sneakers, but flats that will give you flexibility with your outfit, but are comfortable at the same time, my recommendation is knee boots)
2) the "you" piece (often it is a scarf, hat or jewelry but some accessory the you really enjoy, my recommendation is a scarf because scarfs come in different patterns, fabrics, weights, etc and are very versatile)
3) jacket, coat or vest (make sure you do not always just throw on the overcoat, bad idea, it does not allow your personal style to take shape, choose something that balances your outfit, so if the rest of the outfit is structured make sure it is flexible, but if your outfit is loose and flows use a structured jacket or vest, my recommendation is a structured or fitted jacket)